Good Friday – Night of Worship
Friday, April 18 | 6 PM | Sanctuary
Mark your calendars for an incredible night of worship as we kick off our Easter Celebration and remember Jesus’ ultimate act of love and redemption! This will be a night like no other, so join us for a service designed for all to be able to come together in worship and anticipation of the great story of Jesus’ resurrection. Café Brio will be open at 5:30 PM. RDFkidz programming will be available through 4th grade.

Sunday, April 20 | 9 & 10:30 AM
Inside the Sanctuary • Outside on the Patio • Livestreamed at rdf.org/live
Join us for uplifting Easter services at Rose Drive Friends Church! Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as we rejoice in the hope and renewal that Easter brings. You’ll experience powerful worship, an inspiring message and a friendly atmosphere. Whether you’re a long-time believer or seeking to explore your faith for the first time, everyone is welcome to join us. RDFkidz programming will be available for infants through 5th grade.

Love Placentia
Saturday, May 3 | 8am-12pm | Rally starts at El Dorado High School
Help lead or volunteer on a project to serve at this city-wide volunteer day. Projects are available at schools, city properties, non-profits, and more and include painting, landscaping, feeding the hungry, etc. Project Leaders signups are open now. Project volunteer signups begin April 9 at loveplacentia.com.

The Formation Practices at the Table
Wednesdays, through May 28 | 6:30-8 PM | D108 | Free
Join us every Wednesday night from January 22 to June 11 as we explore the practices of Jesus through Practicing the Way. Together, we’ll share a meal and dive into transformative four-week sessions designed to deepen your faith and foster community at Rose Drive. Each session serves as an “on-ramp” to spiritual growth and group connection. Open to all adults – come for as many as you are able. Please RSVP below. Walk-ins welcome. Please click the More Info button below for weekly topics. Questions? Email Craig Davis at CraigD@rdf.org.

To learn more about additional ministry opportunities, events, and ways to connect, please subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
MONDAY, 3/24
8:00 pm – Open Gym Adult Basketball, Gym
10:00 am – Women’s Renewed Bible Study, D108
9:30 am – Women’s ReJOYce Bible Study, Center Bldg.
4:00 pm – Food Ministry Distribution, Center Bldg.
6:30 pm – Formation Practices at the Table – Scripture, D108
6:30 pm – GriefShare, D115
7:00 pm – STM Wednesday Nights, Youth Rooms (Doors open at 6:30 pm)
FRIDAY, 3/28
9:00 am – MomCo, Center Bldg.
8:30 am – Food Ministry Distribution, Center Bldg.
SUNDAY, 3/30
9 and 10:30 am – Worship Services, In-person and Livestreamed, Sanctuary, Patio
9 and 10:30 am – RDFkidz Programming (Nursery-5th grade)
10:30 am – Amigos Rose Drive (Spanish-language) Worship Service, Sunshine Junction
10:30 am – Student Ministry (STM) Sunday Morning Gathering, Youth Room (E001)
5:00 pm – The Marriage Course, D115