Welcome to Rose Drive Friends Church! We know it can be a little overwhelming to walk onto a church campus for the first time. To help you feel more comfortable here are a few notes to help you know what to expect on a Sunday morning at Rose Drive.
First, come by our Blue Tent on the Sanctuary Patio and we’ll help you find your way around campus, check your children into our Children’s or Student programming, and point you towards Café Brio for a time of connection, snacks, and coffee each Sunday starting at 8:40 AM. Feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable in. You will find people dressed from their “Sunday best” all the way to blue jeans, shorts, and t-shirts. It doesn’t matter how you’re dressed; please come as you are!
What about my kids? We love kids, and we have a fun, safe place for your kids! Click on the links below to learn more about each of these ministries!
CHILDREN (Nursery – 5th grade)
STUDENTS (6th – 12th grade)
What is a Sunday service like? When you arrive on campus, you will have the opportunity to choose inside seating in our Sanctuary or outside seating on our Patio.
We have a Worship Team who lead us with music that is excellent, contemporary and is centered around our core belief in who Jesus is. The messages are engaging and delivered by one of our Teaching Team members who will share about God and life from the Bible, and challenge and encourage you to think, ask questions, and grow in your journey of faith in Christ. We also talk about ways to get connected to the community life that is happening at Rose Drive, and have an opportunity to financially give for those who call Rose Drive their home church. Our services typically last about an hour and ten minutes.
If you are a guest with us, please be sure to visit the Blue Tent. We would love the opportunity to meet you, answer any questions you might have and give you a gift.
Where do I find more info? Feel free to browse around our website for more information. You can also email us (info@rdf.org) or visit the Blue Tent on Sunday mornings.