Sharing and living out the Good News with all people, empowering them to do the same. 6th-12th grades bring some of the most unique challenges, joys, and opportunities for students. Here, at Rose Drive Friends Church, students’ relationships with Jesus will be formed by Biblical teaching, LifeGroups, Worship, Service, and Fun!

Saturday 3/1 | 4-8:30 PM | Friends Church Yorba Linda
Join us for Alpha Youth Day – feature teaching, worship, and an awesome opportunity for students to fellowship with other Friends Youth groups from across Southern California and be equipped with confidence to carry the gospel to their schools and friend-groups. Dinner will be provided by Friends Southwest and the event is free for all students and volunteers. Students can sign up with their small group leaders to give us a headcount. Friends Church Yorba Linda is located at 5091 Mountain View Ave, Yorba Linda CA 92886.

Sunday 3/2 | 9 and 10:30 AM, during the services
Are you interested in being baptized? If so, please register below for additional information.
Please note that a brief Baptism Class will be offered on Sunday, February 23, immediately following both services in the Church Office lobby, where you’re welcome to ask questions and learn more about baptism.

Wednesday Nights | 7-9 PM | Youth Room
Doors open at 6:30 PM for students to hang out! WAlpha Youth continues this week. Students will have space in their small groups to freshly approach some of life’s biggest questions through the lens of the Christian faith and those who are curious about Christian basics will find a space where some of their questions will be addressed. Pizza will be provided! Contact Pastor Grant at: GrantM@rdf.org for additional information.

STM Friendz Game Nights
Fridays: 3/7 & 3/21 | 6-9 PM | Youth Room
Come hang, eat pizza, play games and have a good time with friends! Contact Paul Diego at: PaulD@rdf.org for additional information.

Coffee with Pastor Grant – for Next Gen Parents!
Ongoing | Sign-Up via Email| Free
This is a space for parents to connect with our new RDF Church Student Ministries Pastor – Grant Morgan. He’s here as a resource for the Next Gen parents along with your students. He’s always willing to sit down and chat about our ministry, life, or anything else that parents may want to connect about. If you would like to schedule a time please email Grant at: Grantm@rdf.org
Students (6th-12th grade)
Sundays 10:30-11:30 AM
Join us in the Youth Rooms (E001 and E012) for a time of Biblical teaching, community & fun!
Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM*
Meet in the Youth Rooms (E001 and E012)
*Doors open at 6:30 PM for students to hang out.
Sign up to receive Parent emails and information about Student Ministries.