Thank you! Your generosity supports our ministries and impacts our local community.
Online Giving provides a fast, convenient, and secure way for you to give one-time or repeating gifts by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express), or by electronic check.
If you have already joined our online community RDF Central, then you can give through your logged-in profile. If you have not joined, you can still give through our website by clicking on the above “Give” button.
Rose Drive Friends Church is committed to the highest possible standards of confidentiality and data security. Because this is so crucial, we have selected PushPay as our online giving processor. PushPay is compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards and uses advanced security solutions that protect sensitive data and reduce the risk of fraud. In addition, we take all steps reasonably necessary to keep all your information confidential; giving information is only viewed by limited financial team members.
Donations made online before midnight on December 31 and checks postmarked by December 31 will be credited to the 2024 tax year. 2024 contribution statements will be available through your RDFCentral profile by January 15. If you would prefer your statement mailed to you, please contact Sandi Leach (sandil@rdf.org).
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to Rose Drive Friends Church. We are grateful that God has been faithful to provide through His people so that we are able to have an impact in our community and around the world. We are a community that is striving to be formed in Christ for the sake of others and the glory of God. Thank you for trusting the Lord with your finances and worshiping Him through giving.
We want you to have access to your giving statement and this may be retrieved at any time at RDF Central in your profile by going to rdfcentral.com and logging into your profile. Just click on “$ GIVE” in the menu on the left side of the page. Click on the “Schedules/History” tab, and then click on the “Giving Statement” button on the right side of the screen and enter the parameters from there.
We are committed to the highest possible standard of confidentiality and data security. Our online option is compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards and uses advanced security solutions that protect sensitive data and reduce the risk of fraud. Further, we take all steps reasonably necessary to keep all your information confidential.
In His Service,
The Rose Drive Friends Church Finance Committee