Dave Asch - January 26, 2025

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn And Are Meek

The life God can bring you, life under God’s rule, in full relationship with him, is freely available in Jesus. You can enter this new life, new kind of life, life in God’s kingdom simply through trust, faith, reliance on Jesus. He opens the door to the good life available with God. As we see and believe that God’s kingdom is present in and through Jesus, as we enter into his kingdom life through turning to him, trusting him, as we continually and progressively learn how to live in his kingdom, we find comfort, beyond our own ability.

Scripture References: Matthew 5:3-10, Matthew 4:17, Romans 12:2, Colossians 3:1-2

From Series: "The Way Forward"

Jesus came to this world to save the lost and the broken, and to demonstrate a new way of life for those who believe. He was baptized and lived a life serving and loving others. Jesus made it possible for us to have new life, with a new purpose; to leave our past behind and live for the glory of God moving forward. We are called to live like Him, blessing one another and living out our humble calling – for great is the reward in heaven.

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