“As a church, we are a community who grows spiritually.”

Wednesdays, January 22-May 28 | 6:30-8:10 PM | D108 | Free
Join us every Wednesday night from January 22 to June 11 as we explore the practices of Jesus through Practicing the Way. Together, we’ll share a meal and dive into transformative four-week sessions designed to deepen your faith and foster community at Rose Drive. Each session serves as an “on-ramp” to spiritual growth and group connection. Open to all adults – come for as many as you are able. Please RSVP below. Walk-ins welcome. Questions? Email Craig Davis at CraigD@rdf.org.
Weekly Topics:
Mar 26 Session 01a: Read Scripture (meal & teaching)
Apr 2 Session 01b: Read Scripture (meal & table discussion)
Apr 9 Session 02a: Meditate on Scripture (meal & teaching)
Apr 16 Session 02b: Meditate on Scripture (meal & table discussion)
*No Meeting April 23 – Easter/Spring Break*
Apr 30 Session 03a: Study Scripture (meal & teaching)
May 7 Session 03b: Study Scripture (meal & table discussion)
May 14 Session 04a: Memorize Scripture (meal & teaching)
May 21 Session 04b: Memorize Scripture (meal & table discussion)
May 28: Final Session & Celebration Dinner
Weekly Schedule: 6:30 – 7:10 PM Shared Meal; week (a) 7:10 – 8:10 PM Reflection & Teaching or week (b) Scripture Reading & Table Discussion

Alpha Marriage Course
Sundays, through March 30 | 5-7 PM | D115 | Free
We all have to work at our marriage to stay closely connected. The Marriage Course will help! This seven-week course will equip you with tools to build a healthy marriage and to strengthen the connection between you as a couple – or restore that connection if you feel you’ve lost it. Learn to navigate the modern challenges of marriages and discover your hopes for your marriage in a fun, new way. The environment is designed to be like a date night, so couples will sit in pairs, somewhat distanced from one another, for privacy of conversation. You will not be asked to discuss anything about your relationship with anyone else. A light dinner will be served. The course is free. A $10 per couple suggested donation for dinner can be given each week, if you are able. Please RSVP below, if possible. Walk-ins welcome. Questions? Email Craig Davis at CraigD@rdf.org.

Read the Psalms in 2025
We invite you to join us as we pray through the Psalms in 2025 together. Please download the Rose Drive Friends Church app, turn on the Bible Reading Plan notifications, and then you will receive a daily notification, which will include a short passage of verses to read each day. This is a very slow, reflective reading of Scripture, which can be done anytime in less than 2 minutes.

Want help finding a new group? Click HERE for help getting connected.

PrayFirst: We believe that we are called to be people of prayer and want you to join in that mission! More info…