The Rose Drive Friends Church Food Ministry exists to fight hunger in our community in Jesus’ name. Through generous donations from our church family, local supermarkets, and Second Harvest Food Bank we are able to serve hundreds of people and families a month.
Distribution Hours:
Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 PM
Saturdays from 8:30-9:30 AM
Distribution is located in E104-105 on the ground level of the Clocktower Building.
In order to have a fair and inclusive method for distribution, we distribute through a lottery system. Check-in opens 20-25 minutes before distribution starts. Upon arrival, please check in and receive a lottery number. We will call and collect your numbers when the distribution opens. Because of this system, there is no need to arrive way ahead of time to secure earliest entry into the distribution line. If you arrive 10 minutes after distribution opens you will check in and enter distribution at the end of the lottery line. A person from each household must be present. You cannot pick up for other households. Please bring your own grocery bags for your food.
Ministerio de Devoción en Español de la Despensa de Alimentos
¿Te gustaría aprender más sobre Jesús? Nos reunimos todos los sábados de 8:15 AM a 8:30 AM
Ofrecemos café y pan dulce para nuestros invitados. Puedes registrarte para la Despensa de Alimentos entre las 8:00 AM y 8:15 AM, y luego unirte a nosotros para una breve devoción. ¡Esperamos verte! ¡Invita a alguien más!
Food Pantry – Spanish Devotion
Would you like to learn more about Jesus? Join us every Saturday from 8:15 – 8:30 AM. Enjoy coffee and sweet bread. Register for the Food Pantry between 8:00 and 8:15 AM, and then join us for a brief devotion. We look forward to seeing you! Invite a friend!
To make a financial donation to our Community Aid fund, which funds the Food Ministry, scan the QR code with your camera app or click the “Give” button (select “Community Aid” from the pulldown menu).
To donate non-perishable food, please place any non-expired, non-perishable items in the bin just outside the Sanctuary.
Throughout the year, the most needed items are cereal, rice, canned vegetables, fruit and beans, snacks, dry potatoes, dry beans, canned meat, macaroni and cheese, pasta, ramen, and peanut butter. Thank you for helping us feed our neighbors!
Volunteer: If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Craig Davis at CraigD@rdf.org or Jack Jackman at cjjackmanjr@gmail.com for additional information.
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