Our Services

Sundays | 9 & 10:30 AM
4221 Rose Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Inside the Sanctuary • Outside on the Patio • Livestreamed at live.rdf.org

Children’s programming (Nursery-5th Grade) is offered during both services.
Student Ministries (6th-12th Grade) meet at 10:30 AM.

Please visit the Next Gen websites for more specific information.

Current Series:

This is My Story:
Each and every one of us are unique, with varying gifts, talents and abilities. There are infinite ways in which God has blessed us, and there are limitless ways in which we can use this life we live to love and encourage those around us. We each have a story, and it’s constantly changing as we grow in relationship with others and with God. Join us in the month of March as we hear stories of God’s faithfulness and continue living out the blessings of our own stories together.

To view previous messages, please click HERE.